Here is a quick sample of the questions we went through with Kendall - for full answers and more questions please watch the video above
Q: What was your biggest challenge when you first became a mum?
A: The one challenge I really found becoming a mum was that the lack of sleep really wrecked me. It made me realise that sleep is a key pillar of my health and happiness, and instead of getting it at night, I've had to take plenty of day sleeps, but sleep has just become such a critical factor and also just made me super aware that I need a lot of it- more than the average person.
Q: If you could recommend ONE product for a new mum, what would it be?
A: I reckon when we had our first baby, the thing that changed my life was getting a Dyson vacuum cleaner, which sounds stupid, but you're just spending a lot of time at home.
Q: Where do you go for your style inspo?
A: I probably get most of my style inspiration off Instagram. Anytime I open my feed, the main things that I scroll past are all fashion brands because I'm clearly just interested in fashion and that's what I'm following.
Q: What’s your current shopping/browsing obsession?
A: I'm trying to break this habit, but my greatest current obsession is women's suiting. All of my girlfriends would not own a single suit, and I probably have 15, but that really structured suiting vibe still just sticks with me.
Q: Did your style change when you became pregnant and then during breastfeeding/post-partum?
A: You'll never forget that season in your life when you're breastfeeding and you open your wardrobe and most of it can't be worn because it's dresses that do up at the back - there's no way of being able to feed in them. It actually writes off 90% of your wardrobe, and I gravitated towards high waisted pieces and just trying to do my best with tops that I would be able to get out of to feed as modestly as possible.
Q: If you could give ONE piece of advice to a new mum, what is it?
A: The biggest advice that I would give to women is to look after your health. There's amazing women's blends of things that you can drink and take, and you cannot put enough nutrients back into your body when you're growing a human and when you're breastfeeding.